Reading Zechariah

Altes Testament -> Hintere Propheten


Reading Zechariah with Zechariah 1:1-6 as the Introduction to the Entire Book
Heiko Wenzel


Contributions to Biblical Exegesis & Theology 59


2011, IX+340 Seiten


Buchbeschrieb: "

,In light of the widely acknowledged phenomenon that Zechariah refers to previous Scripture, this thesis demonstrates that these references can significantly contribute to Zechariah's argument by drawing on Mikhail M. Bakhtin's insight of the dialogical orientation of words. The dialogical orientation of Zechariah's word with regard to previous Scripture and Zechariah's audience establishes Zech 1:1'6 as the introduction to the entire book. It also develops a theology of transition and of waiting. Seven case studies demonstrate that the call of Zechariah 1:3-4 sounds through the entire book. The call to be different from the ancestors in a time of waiting emphasizes the people's responsibility to live faithfully within the Sinai covenant. It also points to the prophetic function of the so-called apocalyptic notions in Zechariah and exhibits Zechariah's specific contribution to the Book of the Twelve, to the Old Testament and for the church."

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