The Image of God in the Garden of Eden

Altes Testament -> Literatur zum Pentateuch


The Image of God in the Garden of Eden. The Creation of Humankind in Genesis 2:5-3:24 in Light of mis pi pit pi and wpt-r Rituals of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt

Catherine L. McDowell


Siphrut 15


2015, 245 Seiten


Vom Umschlagtext: "Catherine McDowell presents a detailes and insightful analysis of the creation of 'adam in Gen 2:5-3:24 in light of the Mesopotamian mis pi pit pi and the Egyptian wpt-r rituals for the creation of a divine image. Parallels between the mouth washing and opening rituals and the Eden story suggest that the biblical author was composing and contrasting human creation with the ritual creation, animation, and installation of a cult statue in order to redefine selem 'elohim as a human being - the living likeness of God tending and serving in the sacred garden.

[...] Further, she discusses critical issues, noting the problems inherent in the traditional views on the dating and authorship of Gen 1-3 and the relationship between the two creation accounts. [...]

When Gen 1-3 are read together [...], these texts redefine the divine-human relationship using three significant and theologically laden categories: kinship, kingship, and cult. Thus, they provide an important lens through which to view the relationship between God and humanity as presented in the rest of the Bible."

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